
Adam lives in a very tiny home – a very custom converted playhouse to be exact. What was once a place of play is now a place of residence for his truly. Adam installed, A/C, heating, Wi-Fi, a fridge, cooking surfaces, a queen sized bed, a dining area, and storage all within a single 72 sqaure foot room with a roof and a tiny door. It’s homely, he’s in wonderful company, and the details are impressive. Nevertheless, Adam is looking forward and in his future he sees his own patch of land with water, septic, and all the hook ups necessary for comfortable living. And on it Adam will park a trailer which is being converted into a home right now. He might be working on it right this minute. Once he has reached this goal he will continue to dream, and grow, and play.

Adam is a high-octane type of individual. Expressive and tough are words that come to mind when I think about Adam. Other things I think are core to Adam are his loyalty and willingness to help out just about anybody. And he’s brave. His star sign is Leo and so he once threatened quite seriously for a few years to get a large brand of a lion on his body. It would have fit though I’m glad he didn’t do it. Some years ago on a canoe float with Adam we came across a woman with an injured foot who was stuck on a rock in the middle of a bend with kids. Adam was in the water swimming towards them at olympic speeds before anyone. He paddled her to safety, backed up his truck to the water, and drove her to the hospital safely – like a pro. I’ve spent much time with Adam in the woods and from this experience I have concluded that he would make for an excellent post-apocalypse survival buddy. When adversity swings hard Adam does not flinch.

Adam is happiest when he is in motion. He’s a plumber and works incredibly hard. In addition he’s an ultimate player, an avid hiker, and a will-try-any-sport kind of athlete. He keeps a constant “lifelog” and enjoys reading about habits and self-actualization. Adam is a connector and has a talent for bringing together people who don’t know each other and embarking on a colorful adventure.

Special thanks to Tyler (@hill_tyler), whom Adam called last night at six pm and asked if he could bring out his boat at five am the next morning to help with the shoot.


[69] July 20, 2021



